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Therapy Dogs of Rockland
A proud affiliate of Intermountain Therapy Animals,
now serving Rockland, Westchester and Fairfield Counties.
Paw Prints: Gone but not Forgotten
In Loving Memory of Our Therapy Dogs
Candace's husband, Dale, & their dog Buster
Bruce's dog, Scout
Gary, Tara, & Madison's dog, Brennan
Liz's dog, Midnight
Peggy's dog, Clarence
Susan's dog, Bella
Nancy's dog, Redd
Susan's dog, Maggie
Pattie's dog, Elvis
Len's dog, Ben
George's dog, Paco
Marcy's dog, Bailey 1
Fran's dog, Victoria
Marjut's dog, Jenny
Alice's dog, Juno
Sandra's dog, Theo
George's dog, Seamus
Maura's dog, Bonnie Jean
Candace & Dale's dog, Lola
Marge's dog, Vince
Laura's dog, Fiona
Catherine's dog, Chuck
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